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Friday, December 10, 2010

Simple chess by Tukmakov

Most of the time chess is a difficult game. But sometimes some players, usually very strong grandmasters, make it a very simple game :-) Have a look at this one, by chess legend Tukmakov, showing that more space can be enough to win a game!

Roemer, Ulrich(2250) vs. Tukmakov, Vladimir B(2580)
Zurich op-A 20th - Zurich - 1996
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. d4 Cf6
2. Cf3 g6
3. Ff4 Fg7
4. e3 d6
5. h3 O-O
6. Fe2 b6
7. O-O Fb7
8. a4 Cc6
9. Cbd2 De8
10. Cc4 a6
11. c3 Td8
12. Db1 Cd5
13. Fh2 e5
14. dxe5 Cxe5
15. Ccxe5 dxe5
16. Td1 De7
17. Da2 e4
18. Cd2 Fe5
19. Fxe5 Dxe5
20. Fc4 Rg7
21. Cf1 Td6
22. Td2 Tfd8
23. Tad1 f5
24. a5 b5
25. Fxd5 Txd5
26. Txd5 Txd5
27. Txd5 Fxd5
28. Da3 Ff7
29. b4 Fc4
30. Dc1 Rf7
31. Dd2 Re7
32. h4 Fd3
33. f4 Dd5
34. Cg3 Db3
35. h5 Re6
36. hxg6 hxg6
37. Dc1 Rd5
38. Cf1 Fxf1
39. Rxf1 Rc4 0-1

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cmilyte - Demina WWCC

The Women World Chess Championship began yesterday in Turkey. Here is an easy positional win of the first round.

Cmilyte, Viktorija(2514) vs. Demina, Julia(2323)
WCh Women - Antakya TUR - 2010.12.05
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. d4 Cf6
2. c4 e6
3. Cf3 Fb4+
Bogo-indian defense

4. Fd2 a5
( 4... De7 is the main move )

5. g3 d5
( 5... b6 switches to a Queen's indian )

6. Fg2 O-O
7. Dc2 c6
maybe not the best idea ( 7... c5 is more logical )

8. O-O Fe7
9. Fg5
now it's like a semi-slav but with the weird move a5 for black

9...  h6
10. Fxf6 Fxf6
11. Cbd2
planning the typical advance e4

11...  Cd7
( 11... b5!? )

12. e4 dxe4
13. Cxe4 Fe7
this bishop lost a lot of tempi : Bb4-e7-f6-e7

14. Tad1
very comfortable play for white! With a good center and a better development

14...  Dc7
playing for the thematic e5

15. Dc3
stopping black's plan

15...  b6
what else?

16. b3 Fb7
17. Ce5 Tad8
18. c5!
that's really thematic! White block the bishop in b7. On the other hand it's important to check that black can't play an easy Nd7-f6-d5 (which could be met here by Nc4-d6).

18...  b5
( 18... Cf6 19. Cc4 is nice for white ) ( 18... Cxe5 19. dxe5 bxc5 20. Cxc5 almost with a dream positional advantage for white! )

19. f4
Consolidating. White's position is pleasant but now Cmilyte must find a way to advance. ( 19. b4? with the idea to stop b5-b4 and thus locking up the bishop in b7, but it wouldn't work 19... axb4 20. Dxb4 Ta8 with Ra4 coming, with undreamed-of counterplay for black )

19...  Tfe8
black's position is really cramped.

20. a4 Cf8?
a mistake which gives a good opportunity to white ( 20... b4 was normal 21. Dc4 Cf6 22. Cxf6+ Fxf6 23. De2 with a solid edge for white, even if not so easy to turn into victory. )

21. Cd6!
Cmilyte doesn't miss the chance

21...  Fxd6
22. cxd6 Txd6
( 22... Dxd6 23. axb5 is even worse for black )

23. axb5
with a pin and too much pressure on c6

23...  f6
24. Cxc6
white won a pawn and keep better pieces ( 24. b6 was easier 24... Dd8 25. Cc4 winning )

24...  Fxc6?
( 24... Cg6 was better )

25. bxc6
now this passed pawn, very well protected, is a monster

25...  Ta8
26. Dc5 Cg6
27. d5 e5
( 27... Tad8 was the last (very small) hope )

28. Fe4 Ce7
29. fxe5 fxe5
30. Ta1 Cc8
31. Ff5
( 31. b4 +- was simple and strong too )

31...  Db6
32. Dxb6 Cxb6
33. Fe6+ Rh7
34. c7
as it could be forseen the pawn now costs the knight

34...  e4
35. Tac1 h5
( 35... Cc8 36. Tf8 would end the game )

36. c8=D Cxc8
37. Fxc8
black can't even take in d5 :-)

37...  Tb8
38. Ff5+ Rh6
39. Tc6 1-0

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Very nice study

To start this snowy December, here is a "not so simple not so hard" study of Herbstmann.
White to play and win.

Hint : the first idea doesn't work immediately. The second idea does but you will have to find a third idea for that!