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Saturday, February 19, 2011

Bukavshin oversight

15y old Russian player Ivan Bukavshin played a very good tournament in Aeroflot, with a GM norm. But here he forgot something against former FIDE world champion Khalifman (it's good to see him againt in tournaments!).

Khalifman, Alexander(2638) vs. Bukavshin, Ivan(2458)
Aeroflot Open 2011 A - Moscow - 2011.02.16
Black just played Qg6. Which tactical problem did he overlook ?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beautiful game in Aeroflot

The Bundesliga game was nice. But here is a fantastic game played today in Moscow!!

Savchenko, Boris(2637) vs. Novikov, Stanislav(2568)
Aeroflot Open A - Moscow RUS - 2011.02.11
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. e4 c5
2. Cf3 e6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Cxd4 a6
5. c4 Cf6
6. Cc3 Fb4
7. f3 Dc7
8. Cc2 Fe7
9. Fe2 Cc6
10. O-O Ce5
11. b3 h5
12. f4 Cg6
13. e5 Cg4
14. Ce4 C6xe5
15. fxe5 Dxe5
16. Cg3 Fc5+
17. Rh1 Cf2+
18. Txf2 Fxf2
19. Cxh5 g6
20. Ff4 Dc3
21. Fd2 De5
22. Ff4 Dc3
23. Dd6 Txh5
24. Fxh5 gxh5
25. Fg5 f6
26. Fh6 Rd8
27. Ff4 Re8
28. Tc1 b6
29. Dd1 e5
30. Ce3 Db2
31. Dxh5+ Re7
32. Cd5+ Rd6
33. Td1 exf4
34. Df3 Ta7
35. Dxf4+ Re6
36. Db8 Rf7
37. Dxa7 Dc2
38. Cc3 Dxc3
39. Da8 Dc2
40. Dd5+ Rg7
41. Df3 d6
42. Txd6 Ff5
43. Td1 Fc5
44. Tf1 Rg6
45. Dg3+ Rh7
46. Dh4+ Rg6
47. Dg3+ Rh7
48. b4 Fxb4
49. Dh4+ Rg6
50. Dg3+ Rh7
51. Dh4+ 1/2-1/2

Monday, February 7, 2011

Crazy game in Bundesliga

Enjoy :-)
Gyimesi, Zoltan(2595) vs. Diebl, Lutz(2222)
Bundesliga 2011 - 2011.02.06
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. d4 Cc6
2. d5 Ce5
3. e4 e6
4. f4 exd5
5. fxe5 Dh4+
6. g3 Dxe4+
7. De2 Dxh1
8. Cf3 b6
9. Cc3 Fa6
10. Dxa6 Dxf3
11. Db7 Td8
12. Cxd5 c6
13. Cc7+ Re7
14. Fd2 f6
15. Fb4+ Rf7
16. e6+ Rg6
17. Fxf8 Txf8
18. exd7 Ce7
19. Fd3+ Rh6
20. Td1 Td8
21. Ce8 Cg6
22. Cd6 De3+
23. Rf1 Df3+
24. Re1 De3+
25. Fe2 De6
26. Dxc6 Ce5
27. De4 g6
28. Ce8 Thxe8
29. dxe8=D Txe8
30. b3 Rg7
31. Rf1 Te7
32. c4 Dh3+
33. Rg1 Dc8
34. Ff3 Dc5+
35. Rg2 Da3
36. Td2 1/2-1/2