28th Cappelle Open (8) - Cappelle la Grande FRA - 2012.03.09
1. d4 d5 2. c4 c6 3. Cf3 Cf6 4. cxd5 cxd5 The exchange variation of the Slav
defense usually leads to calm and positional play, but not in this game! 5. Cc3 Cc6 6. Ff4 a6 7. Ce5 7.e3 and 7.Rc1 are main moves here. 7... Db6 8. Cxc6 bxc6 9. f3!? White plays for e2-e4 and thus sacrifices the b2 pawn. ( 9. Dd2 is
the normal move ) 9... Ch5 ( 9... Dxb2 10. Ca4 Db4+ 11. Rf2 ) ( 9... e6 was
the only other game with 9.f3, and another very interesting one. 10. Ca4 Da5+ 11. Rf2 Ch5 12. Fd2 Dc7 13. Dc2 Fd6 14. Tc1 O-O 15. Dxc6 De7 16. Dxa8 Dh4+ 17. g3 Cxg3 18. hxg3 Dxg3+ 19. Re3 Fd7 20. Dxa6 e5 21. Fe1 Dg5+ 22. Rf2 e4 23. e3 Dg3+ 24. Re2 Dxf3+ 25. Rd2 Dxh1 26. Dxd6 Dxf1 27. Cc5 Fg4 28. Dh2 Tc8 29. Fg3 Db5 30. Re1 h5 31. a4 Db6 32. Ta1 Ta8 33. Fc7 Df6 34. Df4 Dh4+ 35. Rd2 Ta7 36. Tf1 De7 37. Fb6 Ta8 38. a5 Ff3 39. a6 De8 40. Txf3 exf3 41. Dxf3 Db5 42. Dxd5 Dxb2+ 43. Rd3 Db1+ 44. Rc3 Te8 45. Db7 Dc1+ 46. Rb4 Dxe3 47. d5 f6 48. a7 f5 49. a8=D Txa8 50. Dxa8+ Rh7 51. Db7 1-0 Jobava,B (2707)-Pridorozhni,A (2542)/
Aix-les-Bains FRA 2011 ) 10. Fe3 Dxb2 11. Ca4 Da3 12. Rf2 Tb8 13. Tc1 Fd7 14. Tb1 Funny switch-back! 14... Tb5 ( 14... Txb1 is of course dangerous for Black. 15. Dxb1 Dd6 16. Db7 += ) 15. Dc2 e6 16. Fc1 Dd6 17. Cc5 Fe7 18. e3 Fh4+
After this move the game will become more and more complicated. ( 18... Txb1 19. Dxb1 O-O was solid. ) 19. g3 ( 19. Rg1 is hardly a human move. ) 19... Txb1 20. Dxb1 Cxg3 The logical continuation Black was aiming for. 21. hxg3 Dxg3+ 22. Re2 De1+ 23. Rd3 Dd1+ 24. Rc3 Fe1+ 25. Rb2 Dxf3 I saw this position
during the live and thought White was in trouble because it seems he will lose
either the Rh1 or the Bf1. 26. Fxa6?! ( White could play safer with 26. Txh7 Txh7 27. Dxh7 Dxf1 28. Dxg7 and it's a draw. 28... Df3 ( not 28... Df5? 29. Cb7! and now White is winning! ) 29. Dg8+ ( not 29. Cb7? De2+ and now Black
is mating! ) 29... Re7 30. Dg5+ Re8 = ( not 30... Rd6? 31. Dd8 +- ) ) 26... Dxh1 27. Fd2 White's idea : he wins the Be1. But Black has a lot of pawns... 27... Dh2 28. Dxe1 h5 29. Ra3 ( 29. Rb3 was another possibility ) 29... h4 30. Fb4 O-O Black wants to hide his King. On other moves it seems that White can draw
as well! ( 30... f5 31. Cd3! h3 32. Ce5 Dc2 33. Fc5 h2 34. Db4 Dc1+ 35. Ra4 Dc2+ 36. Ra3 = ) ( 30... f6 31. Db1 Dg3 32. Dc2 h3 33. Cxd7 Rxd7 34. Dc5 Te8 35. Fc8+! Rxc8 36. Dxc6+ Rd8 37. Da8+ Rd7 38. Da4+! Rd8 = ) ( 30... h3 is
a very nice (and crazy) variation 31. Dc3 O-O 32. Cxd7 Dg3 33. Cxf8 h2 34. Cxe6 h1=D ( 34... fxe6 35. Fd3 h1=D 36. Dxc6 Db8 37. Dxe6+ Rh8 38. Rb3 Black
is better but the position remains unclear! ) 35. Cc5 ( 35. Cf4 De4 36. Dxc6 Dgxe3+ 37. Cd3 g5 -+ ) 35... Dh6 36. Fd3 Dhxe3 37. Rb3 Dgg1 38. a4 Dxd4 39. Dxd4 Dxd4 40. a5 Df6 41. a6 Dd8 42. Cb7 Db6 43. Ra3 Dd4 44. Cc5 De5 45. Cb3 De3 46. Cc5 = with an incredible draw! ) 31. Cxd7 Ta8 32. Df1! ( If 32. Cc5 h3 and it's not easy for White to stop the h pawn. 33. Fa5! Dg2 34. Fc7 h2 35. Fxh2 Dxh2 36. Rb3 g5 Next pawn! 37. Rc3! Tb8 38. Fb7 g4 39. Df1 f5 40. a4 Rf7 -+ and it seems that Black wins. ) 32... h3 ( 32... Dc7 33. Cc5 Dg3 34. De1! fighting for the b8-h2 diagonal!! 34... Dg5 35. Fa5 h3 36. Fc7 De7 37. Dg3 Txa6+ 38. Rb3 Ta7 39. Fb6 Ta8 40. a4! e5 41. Dxh3 exd4 42. exd4 remains
unclear but it seems White can hold. ) 33. Cb6 Txa6+ 34. Dxa6 Dg3 ( Better was 34... Dg1 35. Fd6 ( 35. Cc8? h2 36. Ce7+ Rh7 37. Dc8 h1=D -+ ) 35... Dxe3+ 36. Rb2 Dxd4+ eating all pawns! 37. Rc2 Df2+ 38. Rb3 Df3+ 39. Rb2 h2 40. Fxh2 Dg2+ 41. Rc3 Dxh2 and with 4 pawns for the Knight Black has better chances,
even if it's still unclear. ) 35. Cc8! Strong defensive move by Sanikidze,
the Knight is going to e7 to reach Black's King. 35... Dxe3+ 36. Ra4 Rh7 37. Ce7 De4? Probably in time trouble Black commits a mistake. ( Black had to play
something like 37... Dxd4 38. Da8 c5 39. Dg8+ Rh6 40. Dh8+ Rg5 41. Cc6 Dd1+ 42. Ra5 cxb4 43. Dxh3 = ) ( or 37... h2 38. Da8 De2! = ) 38. Dc8 Dxd4 (
Petrosian probably planned 38... Rh6 39. Dh8+ Dh7 missing the nice 40. Fd2+ +- ) 39. Dg8+ Rh6 40. Dh8+ Rg5 41. Dxh3 c5 Now it's not the same because
Black lost a tempo. 42. Dg2+ Rh4 43. Dh2+ Rg4 44. De2+ Rh3 45. Cc6 Df4 46. Dd2 Dc4 47. Dc3+ We are sad for Black but the game was really complicated and
spectacular. 1-0 |