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Thursday, September 23, 2010

Vachier-Lagrave outplayed Gelfand

Vachier-Lagrave, Maxime(2721) vs. Gelfand, Boris(2751)
39th Olympiad Men - Khanty-Mansiysk RUS - 2010.09.23
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer
This game was played on the first board of the France-Israel match

1. d4
No Petroff, thanks!

1...  d5
2. c4 c6
3. Cc3 Cf6
4. Cf3 e6
5. Fg5 h6
6. Fh4 dxc4
7. e4 g5
8. Fg3 b5
Maxime prefers this sharp anti-moscow gambit

9. Fe2 Fb7
10. h4 g4
11. Ce5 Tg8
12. Fxg4 Cbd7
13. Cxd7 Dxd7
14. Ff3 b4
( 14... c5 was played 3 times in the Gelfand - Leko match last month, Gelfand was white and scored 2,5/3. By playing b4 he probably wanted to avoid some home preparation... but according to Rybka it's the best move and Maxime was ready )

15. Ca4 c5
attacking both white central pawns

16. Cxc5 Fxc5
17. dxc5 Cxe4
18. Dxd7+ Rxd7
19. O-O-O+
( 19. Td1+ Re7 20. Fd6+ Re8 = )

19...  Re8
20. Ff4 Cxc5
21. Fxb7 Cxb7
22. Fxh6 Cc5
( 22... Txg2 23. Fe3 and the Nb7 is not very impressive, but the h pawn is still ready to run )

23. Fe3 Cd3+
24. Rb1 Txg2
25. h5
in the interview after the game, Vachier-Lagrave said he was prepared until there approximatively. White has sacrificed a pawn to get the h-passed pawn

25...  f5
this move looks logical to come with the king

26. h6 Rf7
27. h7 Th8
White played h5 h6 h7 but what to do now ?

28. b3!
destabilizing the knight

28...  e5
black wants to stop Bd4 to take in f2 ( 28... Cxf2 29. Td7+ Re8 ( 29... Rf6? 30. Th6+ Tg6 31. Fd4+ e5 32. Fxe5+ Rxe5 33. Txg6 +- ) 30. Txa7 Cxh1 31. Ta8+ Rf7 32. Txh8 Th2 33. bxc4 Cg3 34. Ff4 Th1+ 35. Rc2 Ce2 36. Fe5 f4 37. Rd2 Cc3 38. Fxf4 Th5 39. Fe5! Ce4+ 40. Rd3 Cf2+ 41. Rc2 Cg4 42. Fd6 +- )

29. bxc4
Wath carefully this second passed pawn...

29...  Cxf2
30. Fxf2 Txf2
at first sight one could think this endgame is balanced

31. c5
the sentence of this game is : passed pawns should be pushed !

31...  Tf3
Boris knows since a very long time that rooks should be behind passed pawns, so he is going to c3. But amazingly he is already dead lost!! ( 31... e4 32. c6 e3 33. c7 e2 34. Tc1 +- )

32. c6 +-
( 32. Tc1? Td3 33. c6 Tdd8 34. c7 Tc8 beautiful picture :-) But it must be draw )

32...  Tc3
33. Td7+ Rg6
( 33... Re6 34. Th6# is unexpected ! ) ( 33... Re8 34. Tg1 Txc6 35. Txa7 +- )

34. c7
impressive: 2 pawns reached the seventh rank after a mere 34 moves

34...  f4
35. Td6+ Rg7
36. Tg1+ Rf7
( 36... Rxh7 37. Th1+ Rg7 38. Td7+ Rg8 39. Td8+ Rg7 40. Tdxh8 +- )

37. Td8
Maxime still had 1 hour on his clock. Very few players can say they defeated the ultra solid and experimented Boris Gelfand with so much ease. 1-0

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