Unive Crown Group - Hoogeveen NED - 2010.10.26
1. e4 d5 2. exd5 Dxd5 3. Cc3 Dd6 Tiviakov is fond of this move and worked a
lot on this variation. But one can say what he wants, this is not a normal
place for a Queen in the opening! 4. d4 Cf6 5. Cf3 c6 6. Ce5 Cbd7 7. f4
the two main moves are 7.Nc4 and 7.Bf4 7... Cb6 8. g4 Cbd5 ( 8... Fe6 9. Fg2 g6 10. O-O is Shirov-Tiviakov, Benidorn 2008, 1-0 ! ) 9. Fg2 this seems to be a
little improvement on 9.g5 played in 2 games in 2008 and 2009 (black won in
both!) 9... g6 10. g5 Cxc3 11. bxc3 Cd5 12. c4
forcing the knight to go to an ugly square 12... Cc7 13. c5 Dd8
so, how could Qxd5-Qd6-Qd8 have been useful? 14. d5! you know Shirov... 14... cxd5 ( 14... Cxd5? 15. c4 f6 16. cxd5 fxe5 17. dxc6 and white has some edge ) 15. c4 you just can't give Shirov so much space and better placed pieces
without being attacked! 15... e6 16. Fb2 both white bishops are beautiful 16... Fg7 ( 16... Tg8 may be better but is not very appealing! 17. Cg4 Fe7 18. Cf6+ Fxf6 19. Fxf6 Dd7 20. O-O and you only have to look a few seconds to the position
to understand that white is just winning ) 17. Cc6 of course 17... bxc6 18. Fxg7 Tg8 19. Fe5 nothing can challenge this bishop on dark squares 19... Fd7 very nice
bishop!! Well, I'm not sure, is the knight on c7 really better? Sure he can go
to a6! Or more seriously in d5 after dxc4. 20. O-O dream position 20... Tb8
maybe some activity? ( 20... dxc4? is unfortunately not playable because of 21. Ff6 Db8 22. Tb1 Cb5 23. Txb5 cxb5 24. Fxa8 +- ) 21. Da4
well, the only square on the b file for the rook is b7 actually... 21... Tb7 ( 21... dxc4 may have been the last (very small) hope 22. Fxc6 ( 22. Tfd1 Cd5
yes, the Be5 is worth a rook ) 22... Tc8 23. Fxd7+ Dxd7 24. c6 Dd5 25. Tac1 +/- ) 22. Tab1 Dc8 23. Txb7 Dxb7 24. Tf2 d4?
a mistake but black was dead lost anyway because of Rb2 coming 25. Da5 Rd8 ( 25... Ca6 26. Ff6 Dc8 27. Tb2 with some Rb7 idea, is of course crushing ) 26. Fe4 Tiviakov has had enough of this ugly position! Effortless win by Shirov. 1-0 |