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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Brillancy by Shirov 2 days ago

Shirov, Alexei(2749) vs. Tiviakov, Sergei(2637)
Unive Crown Group - Hoogeveen NED - 2010.10.26
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. e4 d5
2. exd5 Dxd5
3. Cc3 Dd6
Tiviakov is fond of this move and worked a lot on this variation. But one can say what he wants, this is not a normal place for a Queen in the opening!

4. d4 Cf6
5. Cf3 c6
6. Ce5 Cbd7
7. f4
the two main moves are 7.Nc4 and 7.Bf4

7...  Cb6
8. g4 Cbd5
( 8... Fe6 9. Fg2 g6 10. O-O is Shirov-Tiviakov, Benidorn 2008, 1-0 ! )

9. Fg2
this seems to be a little improvement on 9.g5 played in 2 games in 2008 and 2009 (black won in both!)

9...  g6
10. g5 Cxc3
11. bxc3 Cd5
12. c4
forcing the knight to go to an ugly square

12...  Cc7
13. c5 Dd8
so, how could Qxd5-Qd6-Qd8 have been useful?

14. d5!
you know Shirov...

14...  cxd5
( 14... Cxd5? 15. c4 f6 16. cxd5 fxe5 17. dxc6 and white has some edge )

15. c4
you just can't give Shirov so much space and better placed pieces without being attacked!

15...  e6
16. Fb2
both white bishops are beautiful

16...  Fg7
( 16... Tg8 may be better but is not very appealing! 17. Cg4 Fe7 18. Cf6+ Fxf6 19. Fxf6 Dd7 20. O-O and you only have to look a few seconds to the position to understand that white is just winning )

17. Cc6
of course

17...  bxc6
18. Fxg7 Tg8
19. Fe5
nothing can challenge this bishop on dark squares

19...  Fd7
very nice bishop!! Well, I'm not sure, is the knight on c7 really better? Sure he can go to a6! Or more seriously in d5 after dxc4.

20. O-O
dream position

20...  Tb8
maybe some activity? ( 20... dxc4? is unfortunately not playable because of 21. Ff6 Db8 22. Tb1 Cb5 23. Txb5 cxb5 24. Fxa8 +- )

21. Da4
well, the only square on the b file for the rook is b7 actually...

21...  Tb7
( 21... dxc4 may have been the last (very small) hope 22. Fxc6 ( 22. Tfd1 Cd5 yes, the Be5 is worth a rook ) 22... Tc8 23. Fxd7+ Dxd7 24. c6 Dd5 25. Tac1 +/- )

22. Tab1 Dc8
23. Txb7 Dxb7
24. Tf2 d4?
a mistake but black was dead lost anyway because of Rb2 coming

25. Da5 Rd8
( 25... Ca6 26. Ff6 Dc8 27. Tb2 with some Rb7 idea, is of course crushing )

26. Fe4
Tiviakov has had enough of this ugly position! Effortless win by Shirov. 1-0

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Nice attacking chess by untitled player

Under 2200 players can play very good attacking chess too! Have a look at this one.

Mossong, Hubert(2184) vs. Katzourakis, Pavlos(2141)
26. European Club Cup 2010 - Plovdiv BUL - 2010.10.18
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. e4 c5
2. Cc3 a6
3. g3 b5
4. Fg2 Fb7
5. Cge2 e6
6. O-O d6
7. d3 Cf6
8. f4 Dc7
9. h3 Cbd7
10. De1 Fe7
11. f5 b4
12. fxe6 fxe6
13. Cf4!
like in a Sozin!

13...  bxc3
14. Cxe6 Db6
15. Cxg7+!
attacking chess, white saw he can let black take in b2 ( 15. bxc3 was possible but less strong )

15...  Rf7
16. Cf5 cxb2
17. Fxb2 Dxb2
18. Tb1 Dxc2
19. Txb7
only one pawn for the piece but both rook targetting the black king and a killer Nf5!

19...  Thd8
( 19... Da4! 20. d4! cxd4 21. e5! dxe5 22. Cxe7 Rxe7 23. Dxe5+ with a decisive attack )

20. e5!
opening all lines, white is totally winning

20...  dxe5
21. Cxe7 Tab8
( 21... Rxe7 22. Dxe5+ Rf8 23. Txf6+ with a quick mate )

22. Cc6
nice move to end a nice game ( 22. Txd7 Txd7 23. Dxe5 was crushing and nice too ) 1-0

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Bad surprise

Andriasian, Zaven(2579) vs. Khmelniker, Ilya(2483)
26. European Club Cup 2010 - Plovdiv BUL - 2010.10.18
Black just played 18...Rad8. Which tactical problem did he totally overlook ?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Grandmaster plan in N vs B endgame

This nice endgame was played some days ago in Bundesliga.

Postny, Evgeny(2595) vs. Sandipan, Chanda(2641)
Bundesliga - Germany - 2010.10.10
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer
How would you assess this endgame?

25. c5
this looks logical to free the bishop's way ( 25. f4! exf3 to get e5 and g5 for the knight 26. Fxf3 maybe with the pressure on c6/b7 white could save the game? 26... Cf7 27. Rd2 Cg5 black has to pressurize h3 or white will save the game! ( 27... Ce5? 28. Fe2 Rg5 black is better : space advantage and white's king has problems to become active. And h3 and h5 are weak, despite being on white squares. 29. c5 and here black has to find 29... h6! ( 29... f4? 30. h6! saves the game thanks to the clever idea Bd1-c2 ( 30. exf4+ Rxf4 31. c4 h6 32. b5 Cd7 33. Rc3 Cxc5 34. Rb4 Ce4 35. bxc6 bxc6 36. c5 Cf2 37. Ff1 Rg3 -+ ) 30... Rf5 ( 30... f3 31. Fd1 Cc4+ 32. Re1 only move 32... Cxe3 33. Fxf3 Rf4 34. Fe2 Cf5 35. Fg4 Ce7 36. Rf2 Rg5 37. Re3 Rxh6 38. Rf4 = and with an alive King and b7/c6 on white, white is ok ) 31. exf4 Rxf4 32. Fd1 Cf3+ 33. Rd3 Rg3 34. Re3 Cg5 35. Fc2 Rxh3 36. Rf4 Cf7 37. b5! Rg2 ( 37... Cxh6 38. bxc6 bxc6 39. Fe4 Rh2 40. Rg5 Cf7+ 41. Rxh4 Cd8 42. Fxh7 a5 43. Fc2 = ) 38. Fxh7 Cxh6 39. bxc6 bxc6 40. Fe4+ Rg1 41. Fxc6 h3 42. Fd5 h2 43. c6 Cf7 44. c7 Cd6 45. Re5 Cc8 46. Rd4 = ( 46. Re6?? a5 -+ ) ) 30. Fd1 ( 30. c4 f4 31. exf4+ Rxf4 32. Rc3 Rg3 -+ ) 30... Rf6 31. Fe2 Cf7 back to the good g5 square! So it was stupid to play Ne5. 32. Ff1 Re5 33. Re2 Cg5 34. Fg2 f4 35. c4 Rf5 36. exf4 Rxf4 37. b5 Ce6 38. bxc6 bxc6 39. Rd3 Cxc5+ 40. Rc3 a5 41. Fxc6 Rg3 -+ ) 28. Fg2 Re5 better King, pressure on h3, it's winning, if black plays carefully 29. Re2 f4 ( 29... b6 is less natural 30. Fxc6 Cxh3 31. Rf3 h6 32. Rg2 Cg5 33. Fa4 Ce4 34. Rh3 Cxc3 35. Fb3 Re4 ( 35... a5? 36. c5! only move 36... a4 37. cxb6 Rd6 38. Fe6 Cd1 39. Rxh4 Rc6 40. Rg3 Rxb6 41. Rf4 a3 42. Rxf5 Cxe3+ 43. Rg6 Rb5 threatening Nc4 44. Fb3 = ) 36. Fc2+ Rxe3 37. Fxf5 Rd4 38. Fe6 b5 39. cxb5 Cxb5 40. Rxh4 Rc3 41. Rg4 Rxb4 42. Fg8 Cd4 43. Rf4 a5 -+ ) 30. c5 ( 30. b5? gives black a free a-passed pawn 30... f3+! 31. Fxf3 Cxf3 32. Rxf3 a5 -+ ) 30... Rf5 white will very soon be in some zugzwang 31. exf4 Rxf4 32. b5 ( 32. h6 Rg3 33. Rf1 Cf3 34. Fh1 Rf4 35. Rf2 Cg5 36. Fg2 Ce4+ 37. Re1 Cxc3 38. Ff1 Cd5 39. b5 cxb5 40. Fxb5 Cf6 -+ ) 32... Ce4 33. bxc6 bxc6 34. Rd3 ( 34. c4 a5 35. Rd3 a4 36. Rc2 Cxc5 37. Rb2 Rg3 38. Fxc6 Rxh3 39. Ra3 Rg4 40. Rb4 h3 -+ ) 34... Cxc5+ 35. Rc4 Ce4 36. h6 a5 37. Rb3 c5 38. Ra4 Cxc3+ 39. Rxa5 Ce4 40. Rb5 Cf2 41. Rxc5 Rg3 42. Ff1 Cxh3 -+ )

25...  Cf7
26. Rd2 Cg5
27. Ff1 Re5
black is on top. More space, better King and pressure on h3.

28. Rc2 f4
29. Rd1 f3!
taking more and more space! It's very difficult for the computer to find a winning plan! Could you? ( 29... fxe3 30. fxe3 and black will win h5 but it's not easy to win the game )

30. Rd2 h6
the first step is to grab h5, this will allow to play h6-h5

31. Rc2 Ch7
now h3 is not attacked any more but the white bishop can't take benefit of that

32. Rd2 Cf6
33. Fc4 Cxh5
34. Ff7
would have the bishop been able to reach c8, of course it wouldn't be the same story

34...  Cf6
35. Fc4
( 35. Fg6!? could almost have saved the game! 35... a5! another black's idea ( 35... Cg4 a very important idea, coming again and again in this endgame 36. Re1 a5 37. bxa5 Cf6 38. Rd2 Cd7 39. Ff7 Cxc5 40. Fc4 to stop Nd3. I'm not sure black can win now ) 36. bxa5 Cd7 37. Fe8 Cxc5 38. c4 white may feel out of danger but black is able to win 38... Rd6 39. Fg6 Rc7 40. Ff5 ( 40. Fh5 Cd3 41. Fxf3 Cxf2 42. Re2 Cxh3 43. Fxe4 Cg5 44. Fd3 Rd6 45. Ff5 Ce6 46. Rf3 Cc5 47. Fc8 Rc7 48. Ff5 Cb3 -+ 49. Rg4 Cxa5 50. Fd3 Rd6 51. Rxh4 Rc5 52. Rh5 Cxc4 53. e4 Rd4 54. Fe2 b5 55. Rxh6 b4 56. Fd1 Ce3 57. Fa4 c5 -+ ) 40... Rb8 41. Rc3 Cd3 42. Fxe4 Cxf2 43. Fxf3 Cxh3 44. Rd4 Cg5 45. Fh1 Ra7 46. e4 Ra6 47. Rc5 Rxa5 48. e5 h3 49. Rd6 Rb4 50. e6 Cxe6 51. Rxe6 Rxc4 52. Rf5 h2 53. Rg4 Rd3 54. Rg3 c5 55. Fxb7 c4 56. Rxh2 c3 57. Fc8 Re4 -+ )

35...  Ch7 -+
going back to g5 ( or 35... Cg4 36. Re1 Rf6 37. Ff1 Rf5 38. Fc4 Ce5 39. Ff1 h5 will allow Ng4 for ever 40. Rd2 Re6 41. c4 Cg4! 42. Re1 Ch2 -+ 43. b5 Re5 -+ zugzwang )

36. Rd1 Cg5
37. Ff1 Rd5
stopping all Bc4. Now the last step: h5 and Ng4 are unstoppable

38. Rd2
( 38. Rc2 Cf7 39. Rb3 Ce5 40. Rc2 ( 40. c4+ Re6 41. Rc3 Rf5 42. Rd4 h5 43. b5 Cg4 -+ ) 40... h5 41. Rd2 Cg4 42. Re1 Ch2 -+ with zugzwang to come )

38...  Cf7
39. c4+
( 39. Rc2 Ce5 40. Rb3 h5 41. c4+ Re6 42. b5 Cg4 -+ )

39...  Re5
40. Rc3 h5
41. Rd2 Ch6
42. Re1 Cg4
with total domination and zugzwang! 0-1

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Areshchenko: Scheveningen killer

Ukrainien strong GM Alexander Areshchenko won 2 Scheveningen sicilians in a row in Bundesliga (German team championship). You will find them commented below.
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. e4 c5
2. Cf3 d6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Cxd4 Cf6
5. Cc3 e6
6. Fe2 a6
7. O-O Fe7
8. f4 Dc7
9. Rh1 Cc6
10. Fe3 O-O
11. De1 Cxd4
12. Fxd4 b5
13. a3 Fb7
14. Dg3 Tad8
( 14... Fc6 Areshchenko-Lammers, Bundesliga 2010 (7) )

15. Tae1 Td7
16. Fd3 Te8
17. Te3 g6
18. Tef3 d5
19. e5 Ce4
black is fine

20. De1 b4
( 20... Cxc3 simple chess was good too 21. Fxc3 d4 opening for the bishop 22. Fa5 Dc8 23. Th3 Da8 = )

21. axb4 Fxb4
22. Th3 Dd8
( 22... Tc8 = )

23. De3 Cxc3
24. bxc3 Ff8
25. f5!
it takes some time for the computer to find Areshchenko's move

25...  exf5
( 25... Dc7 cold blood defense 26. Dg3 exf5 forced 27. Fxf5 with better chances for white )

26. Fxf5
white's idea

26...  gxf5
( 26... Tc7 27. e6! crushes black )

27. Tg3+ Rh8
( 27... Fg7 28. Txg7+ Rxg7 29. e6+ Rg6 30. Tf3 +- )

28. e6+ f6
29. Txf5
( 29. Dg5 Fg7 30. Dxf5 Tc7 31. Th3 h6 32. Txh6+ Fxh6 33. Fxf6+ Dxf6 34. Dxf6+ Fg7 looks unclear )

29...  Fg7
30. Th5
now black can' t save his position. White is pressing both on dark squares (with the bishop) and light squares (on h7). And the small e6 pawn is very useful too. ( 30. Txf6 would have been flashy 30... Fxf6 ( 30... Dxf6 31. Fxf6 Fxf6 32. exd7 Txe3 33. Txe3 Rg7 34. Te6 Fd8 35. Te8 Ff6 36. d8=D Fxd8 37. Txd8 Fc6 38. Td6 +- ) 31. e7! with a nice picture 31... Dxe7 32. Fxf6+ )

30...  Tc7
31. Dd3 h6
the bishop is trying to hold black's castle ( 31... Ff8 32. Dg6 mating! Black can't defend h7, g8 and f6! )

32. Txg7
bang! ( 32. De3 +- was the calm but as efficient alternative )

32...  Txg7
( 32... Rxg7 33. Dg3+ Rh7 34. Dh4 Rg7 35. Txh6 Txe6 36. Th7+ Rf8 37. Dh6+ Re8 38. Dg6+ Rf8 39. Fc5+ mating )

33. Txh6+ Rg8
34. Dh3
black will be mated very soon 1-0
Do not miss the excellent live website.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Funny tactic

Kofidis, Andreas(2385) vs. Gogolis, Alexandros(2330)
Athens - 1994
Black just sacrificed with 14...Rxf5. How should white react?

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Final results of chess olympiad

The last round was incredible. Ukraine couldn't win against Israel (2-2) whereas Russia wasn't able to overcome Spain (2-2)! Ukraine won again after 2004. No win for Russia since 2002.

Some big clashes of this last round:
Poland 1,5 - 2,5 Hungary
France 2 - 2 Armenia
Azerbaijan 2 - 2 Russia-3
Cuba 1,5 - 2,5 USA
England 2 - 2 Czech Republic
India 2,5 - 1,5 Georgia

Final ranking in the open section:
1.Ukraine 19
2.Russia 18
3.Israel 17
4.Hungary 17

Individual board gold medals: (with Rating Performance)
1st board: Vassily Ivanchuk UKR 2890
2nd board: Emil Sutovsky ISR 2895
3rd board: Vitaly Teterev BLR 2853
4th board: Sergey Karjakin RUS 2859
5th board: Sebastien Feller FRA 2702

All results here