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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Areshchenko: Scheveningen killer

Ukrainien strong GM Alexander Areshchenko won 2 Scheveningen sicilians in a row in Bundesliga (German team championship). You will find them commented below.
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. e4 c5
2. Cf3 d6
3. d4 cxd4
4. Cxd4 Cf6
5. Cc3 e6
6. Fe2 a6
7. O-O Fe7
8. f4 Dc7
9. Rh1 Cc6
10. Fe3 O-O
11. De1 Cxd4
12. Fxd4 b5
13. a3 Fb7
14. Dg3 Tad8
( 14... Fc6 Areshchenko-Lammers, Bundesliga 2010 (7) )

15. Tae1 Td7
16. Fd3 Te8
17. Te3 g6
18. Tef3 d5
19. e5 Ce4
black is fine

20. De1 b4
( 20... Cxc3 simple chess was good too 21. Fxc3 d4 opening for the bishop 22. Fa5 Dc8 23. Th3 Da8 = )

21. axb4 Fxb4
22. Th3 Dd8
( 22... Tc8 = )

23. De3 Cxc3
24. bxc3 Ff8
25. f5!
it takes some time for the computer to find Areshchenko's move

25...  exf5
( 25... Dc7 cold blood defense 26. Dg3 exf5 forced 27. Fxf5 with better chances for white )

26. Fxf5
white's idea

26...  gxf5
( 26... Tc7 27. e6! crushes black )

27. Tg3+ Rh8
( 27... Fg7 28. Txg7+ Rxg7 29. e6+ Rg6 30. Tf3 +- )

28. e6+ f6
29. Txf5
( 29. Dg5 Fg7 30. Dxf5 Tc7 31. Th3 h6 32. Txh6+ Fxh6 33. Fxf6+ Dxf6 34. Dxf6+ Fg7 looks unclear )

29...  Fg7
30. Th5
now black can' t save his position. White is pressing both on dark squares (with the bishop) and light squares (on h7). And the small e6 pawn is very useful too. ( 30. Txf6 would have been flashy 30... Fxf6 ( 30... Dxf6 31. Fxf6 Fxf6 32. exd7 Txe3 33. Txe3 Rg7 34. Te6 Fd8 35. Te8 Ff6 36. d8=D Fxd8 37. Txd8 Fc6 38. Td6 +- ) 31. e7! with a nice picture 31... Dxe7 32. Fxf6+ )

30...  Tc7
31. Dd3 h6
the bishop is trying to hold black's castle ( 31... Ff8 32. Dg6 mating! Black can't defend h7, g8 and f6! )

32. Txg7
bang! ( 32. De3 +- was the calm but as efficient alternative )

32...  Txg7
( 32... Rxg7 33. Dg3+ Rh7 34. Dh4 Rg7 35. Txh6 Txe6 36. Th7+ Rf8 37. Dh6+ Re8 38. Dg6+ Rf8 39. Fc5+ mating )

33. Txh6+ Rg8
34. Dh3
black will be mated very soon 1-0
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