39th Olympiad Men - Khanty-Mansiysk RUS - 2010.09.22
This game was played in the match Israel vs Indonesia 1. d4 Cf6 2. c4 e6 3. Cf3 d5 4. g3 c6 5. Fg2 dxc4 6. Ce5 Fb4+ 7. Fd2 Dxd4 8. Fxb4 Dxe5 white sacrificed 2 pawns to get the dark-squared bishop and
keep the black king in the center. The hunting is open ! 9. Ca3 b5 10. Fd6 Dxb2 third pawn ! 11. O-O a6 12. Tb1 Dc3 black don't want the fourth :-) ( 12... Dxa2 the computer wants ! 13. Fxb8 Txb8 14. Ta1 Db2 15. Dd6 Tb6 16. Dc7 but he agrees the price is a whole rook ! 16... O-O 17. Dxb6 Dxe2
with a crazy position, probably winning for white though ) 13. Fxb8 Txb8 14. Dd6 still no castle 14... Tb6 15. Cxc4 ( another good possibility was 15. Tfc1 Da5 16. Dc7 white lets black castling but creates a very unpleasant pin 16... O-O 17. Cxc4 bxc4 18. Dxb6 Dxa2 19. Tb2 Da3 20. Fxc6 +/- ) 15... Dxc4 16. Tbc1 Dxe2 ( 16... Dxa2 17. Txc6 Txc6 18. Fxc6+ Fd7 19. Fxd7+ Cxd7 20. Td1 Dd5 ( 20... g6? 21. Dxd7+ Rf8 22. Dd6+ Rg7 23. De5+ +- ) 21. Txd5 exd5 22. Dxd5
and white is winning ) 17. Fxc6+ ( 17. Txc6? Txc6 18. Fxc6+ Cd7 19. Fxd7+ Fxd7 20. Td1 g6! and black survives ) 17... Cd7 18. Tfd1!? ( Rodshtein would like more than this: 18. Fxd7+ Fxd7 19. Dxb6 O-O 20. Dxa6 +/- ) 18... Rd8 only move 19. Dd4 Txc6 20. Txc6 Re7 black is still ahead in material but his king is still hunted ! 21. Tc7 h5 black tries to create some counter play 22. Tdc1 h4? ( 22... f6 was better, the position remains very unclear ) 23. Dxg7 hxg3 24. Dg5+ f6 25. Dg7+
the black king is forced to try his luck in the center of the board 25... Rd6 26. Dxg3+ e5? ( More resilient was 26... Ce5 27. T7c2 Dd3 28. Txc8 Dxg3+ 29. hxg3 Txc8 30. Txc8 a5 31. Rf1 +/- and white has to work to win that ) 27. T7c6+ Rd5 unfortunately forced 28. Dg2+ e4 29. Dg3 e3 30. Td6+ the simplest ( 30. Dg2+ was even stronger 30... Rd4 31. Td6+ Re5 32. f4+ Rxd6 ( 32... Rxf4 33. Dxe2 ) 33. Tc6+ Re7 34. Dg7+ Rd8 35. Dxh8+ Re7 36. Dg7+ Rd8 37. Dg8+
and black will be mated ) 30... Re4 31. f3+ Dxf3 32. Td4+ Rxd4 33. Dxf3 +- Ce5 34. Td1+ Rc4 35. Dxe3 Th3 36. Dd4# The king was finally trapped ! 1-0 |