Andreikin, D.(2650) vs. Stupak, K.(2504)
49th WJun - Chotowa POL
1. d4 e6 2. c4 Fb4+ 3. Fd2 Fxd2+ 4. Dxd2 Cf6 5. Cc3 d5 6. Cf3 c6?! a strange move because it's difficult to play like a semi-slav without the dark-squared bishop ( 6... O-O 7. e3 De7 is the normal line 8. Tc1 Td8 9. cxd5 exd5 10. Fd3 Cc6 ) 7. e3 Cbd7 8. Fd3 dxc4 9. Fxc4 De7 10. e4 e5 11. d5 cxd5 12. exd5 Dc5 13. Fb3 O-O 14. O-O Dd6 15. Tfe1 the opening went badly for black : white has a nice passed pawn and black still has development problems 15... a6 16. De3 Te8 17. Cd2! with the idea of chasing the black queen away 17... b5 18. Cce4 Db8 ( 18... Db6 19. Dxb6 Cxb6 20. Cxf6+ gxf6 21. Ce4 Rg7 22. Te3 f5 23. Tg3+ Rh8 24. Cd6 Tf8 25. Te1 e4 26. Tc3 +/- ) 19. d6 Fb7 Black finally developped the bishop but the d6 pawn is really strong 20. Tac1! Moreover all white pieces are well placed. It was tempting to play Red1 to protect the pawn but it's not necessary! 20... Fxe4 did white forget their d-pawn? 21. Cxe4 Cxe4 22. Dxe4 Dxd6? ( 22... Cf6 23. Db4 a5 ( 23... Ta7 24. Tc6 +/- ) 24. Fxf7+!! Rxf7 25. Db3+ Rg6 26. Tc7 +- ) ( 22... Ta7 23. Tc6 +/- ) 23. Ted1 and amazingly black is dead lost! 23... Cf6 ( 23... De7 24. Tc7 Tad8 ( 24... Ted8 25. Tcxd7! +- ) 25. Dg4 Cf6 26. Txe7 Cxg4 27. Fxf7+ Rf8 28. Txe8+ Txe8 29. Fxe8 +- ) ( 23... Dh6 may save black because the c1 rook is hanging? 24. Db7! and black is lost. If Rad8 Rc6 followed by Rxd7 ) 24. Fxf7+! Here black resigned. It's the only game Stupak lost in this 13 rounds tournament, but a very short one. ( 24. Fxf7+ Rxf7 25. Db7+ De7 26. Tc7 Dxc7 27. Dxc7+ Rg8 28. g4 and black won't be able to hold this position ) 1-0 |
Tes pièces flottent au -dessus de l'échiquier légèrement décalées par rapport aux cases qu'elles doivent occuper, à corriger je pense, c'est un "petit bug"
Antiphon (chess una sumus)
Ah je vois que ça fait ça sous Internet Explorer en effet, je vais me pencher sur la question :-)