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Monday, August 30, 2010

Knight endgame

Frolyanov, D.(2587) vs. Tomashevsky, E.(2708)
ch-RUS Higher League - Irkutsk RUS - 2010.08.26
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer
This endgame is better for black because their knight is more active, but probably not winning

51. a3 h4
52. g3 f5
53. Rg2
( 53. gxh4? f4 54. h5 ( 54. Rg2 Rh6 is similar to the game ) 54... gxh5 ( 54... g5 55. h4! Rh6 56. hxg5+ Rxg5 57. Rg2 Rxh5 58. Rh3 Cd1 59. Cb1 Rg5 60. Cd2 Ce3 61. Cb1 Cc4 62. Rg2 Rh4 63. Rh2 ) 55. Rg2 Rf8 56. Rf1 Re7 57. Cb3 Rd7 58. Ca5 Cb1 59. Cc6 Cxa3 60. Re2 Rc7 61. Rd3 Rb6 62. Rc3 Rc5 63. Rb3 Cc4 64. Rc3 h4 65. Cb4 Cb2 66. Cc6 Cd1+ 67. Rc2 Cf2 68. Ce7 Cxh3 69. Cg6 Cg1 70. Cxh4 Ce2 -+ )

53...  hxg3
54. Rxg3 Rh6
55. Rf2 f4
56. Rg2 Rg5
57. Rh2 Rh5
58. Rg2 Cd1
59. Rh2 Ce3
60. Cb1 Cc2
the white knight is paralyzed, it's not funny for white

61. Rg1 Rh6
62. Rf2 Rg5
63. Rg1 Rf6
but black has to create threats on both sides of the board to win, which is not an easy task here

64. Rf2
( 64. h4 Rg7 ( 64... Re7 ) 65. Rf1 Cd4 66. Cd2 Rh6 67. Rg2 Rh5 68. Rh3 Cc2 69. Cb1 Ce1 70. Cc3 Cxf3 71. Cxb5 Cxh4 72. Cxd6 g5 73. Cf5! g4+ 74. Rh2 g3+ 75. Cxg3+ fxg3+ 76. Rxg3 Cg6 77. a4 Rg5 78. a5 Ce7 79. a6 Cc8 80. Rf3 Rf6 81. Rg4 Ca7 82. Rh4 Re7 83. Rg5 Rd6 84. Rf5 Cb5 85. Rf6 = )

64...  Re7
65. Rg2 Re8
66. Rh2 Rf7
67. Rg1 Rf8
68. Rf2 Re7
69. Rg2 Ce3+
70. Rf2 Cc4
71. Rg2
( 71. Re2 Rd7 72. Rd3 Rc7 73. a4 Cb2+ 74. Rc3 Cxa4+ 75. Rb4 Cc5 ( 75... Rb6 76. Ca3 = ) 76. Rxb5 Cb3 77. Rc4 Cd4 78. Cd2 = )

71...  g5
72. h4??
White can't play this ! Cat and mouse play by black worked. White were on defense and lost their calm, wanting to draw by force. This can often happen when defending a long time slightly worse endgames. ( 72. Rf2 Rd7 73. Rf1 Ce3+ 74. Re2 Cc2 75. Rd3 Cd4 76. Cd2 Rc7 77. Rc3 Rb6 78. Rb4 Ce2 79. Cb1 Cc1 ( 79... Cg1 ) 80. a4 bxa4 81. Cd2 Ce2 82. Cc4+ Rc7 83. Cd2 Cg1 84. Rxa4 Cxh3 85. Rb4 Cf2 86. Rc3 g4 87. fxg4 Cxg4 88. Cf3 Cf2 89. Cd2 Rd7 90. Rc4 Rc8 91. Rb5 Rb7 92. Ra5 Cd3 93. Rb5 Rc7 94. Ra5 Rd7 95. Rb5 Cc5 96. Rb6 Ca4+ 97. Rb5 Cb2 98. Rb6 Cd1 99. Rb5 I'm not sure black can win that )

72...  gxh4
73. Rh3 Rd7
74. Rxh4 Rc7 -+
75. Rg5 Rb6
76. Rf6 Rc5
77. Re7 Rd4
78. Rd7 Re3
79. Rc6 Rxf3
80. Rxb5 Cb2
81. Rc6 Re3
82. Rxd6 f3
83. Re7 Cc4
84. Cc3 Rd2
85. d6 Cxd6 0-1

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Sunday's rook endgame, key idea

"Chess teaches you to control the initial excitement you feel when you see something that looks good and it trains you to think objectively when you're in trouble." - Stanley Kubrick

Sébastien - Wilfried
Black to play, a pawn down. How to draw ?
(not very difficult)

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Hammer's unlucky day

Arctic Securities Chess Stars began today in Norway, with Carlsen, Anand, Polgar and Hammer. Hammer was the unlucky player of the day (he missed a draw and 2 wins!). I commented his 3 games below. Don't miss Carlsen's incredible mistake against him.
1. a7 Rb5 *

Friday, August 27, 2010

The good choice

White is on the attack. How to proceed now ?
Allocated time: < 1 min.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Another black disaster in Spain

Koneru,H(2600) vs. Zhao Xue(2462)
5th FIDE GP w - Ulaanbaatar MGL - 2010.08.10
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer
1. d4 Cf6 2. c4 e6 3. Cf3 b6 4. g3 Fa6 5. Da4 Fb7 6. Fg2 c5 7. dxc5 Fxc5 8. O-O O-O 9. Cc3 Fe7 10. Td1 Ca6 11. Ff4 Cc5 12. Dc2 Dc8 13. Td4 d5 14. Tc1 Cce4 15. Cxe4 dxe4 16. Ce5 g5 17. Fxg5 Dc5 18. Fxf6 Fxf6 19. Td7 Fc8 20. Cg4 Fg5 21. Tdd1 f5 22. b4 Dxb4 23. Tb1 Dc5 24. Tb5 Dc7 25. f4 exf3 26. Fxf3 Fa6 27. Te5 Tad8 28. Txd8 Txd8 29. Rg2 Fc8 30. h4 Fe7 31. Te3 fxg4 32. Fxg4 Fc5 33. Fxe6+ Rg7 34. Te4 Fb7 35. Fd5 Txd5 36. cxd5 Fxd5 37. Rh3 Fxe4 38. Dxe4 Dd7+ 39. g4 0-1

It's interesting to see that Graf won another game in the same 24 moves in 1998 with this variation (but 8.d5).

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Miniaturized master

Rodshtein, M.(2609) vs. Leniart, A.(2423)
Sants Open A - La Bordeta ESP - 2010.08.25
Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer
1. Cf3 Cf6 2. c4 g6 3. Cc3 Fg7 4. e4 c5 5. d4 cxd4 6. Cxd4 Cc6 7. Fe3 Cg4!? 8. Dxg4 Fxd4? It has already been tried (without success!) but it's an unlogical move : usually white work hard to exchange this bishop, for example with Qd2 and Bh6. So, exchanging it for free seems really strange. ( 8... Cxd4 9. Dd1 Ce6 10. Tc1 is the main line of 8...Ng4 ) 9. Fxd4 Cxd4 10. O-O-O Cc6 moreover this knight has to move again! All this looks really ugly for black. 11. Df4 d6 12. c5 very logical 12...  O-O 13. h4! ( 13. cxd6 Fe6 and black will try to complicate the game ) 13...  h5 14. Fe2 Da5 15. g4 white don't care about the d pawn, they only want to mate this poor black king without his fianchetted bishop! 15...  Cd4? black tries something but it can't work when there are so many threats on his king ( 15... Dxc5 16. Td5! to prevent Qe5 16... Db4 17. a3 Db6 18. gxh5 +- and I would not like to be the black king... ) ( 15... hxg4 16. h5 with a strong attack ) 16. Txd4 e5 black's idea but they forgot a small detail : their king! 17. Dh6 exd4 18. Cd5 Dd8 19. g5 1-0

Who said only beginners let their poor king alone with all dark squares weakened ? :-)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Comments on French championship players

Here are my small comments on each player of the 2010 edition:

1. Laurent Fressinet 8
A big year for this 29y-old player. Among French top 3 for years he earned his first French champion title and crossed the 2700 Elo threshold for the first time. Currently 2717 and among world top 30, this nice guy is currently at his top.

2. Romain Edouard 8
Last year was great for Romain, from 2562 to 2620, being 19y-old. It's more difficult this year, but with this fantastic 2nd place he is back. He won 21 Elo points in this tournament. He has a very strong will to win and works with a very good coach.

3. Etienne Bacrot 7
It's not necessary to introduce him! 6 times French champion, youngest GM in the world at his time (he was 14). He failed to win the title this year but he is not very far from his best Elo ever reached and has strengthened his play with more agressive lines.

4. Christian Bauer 6
A very interesting player, always fighting and playing entertaining chess. I must say I have 100% against this player (but ok it's only on 1 game and a simultaneous one :-)).

5-6. Vladislav Tkachiev 5,5
The 2009 champion was totally out of form in this tournament. He was not lucky too. He will be in the French Olympiad team. He can obviously play very good games.

5-6. Iossid Dorfman 5,5
A very wellknown and experienced trainer (Kasparov, Bacrot, among others) but nowadays a disappointing player. As he already did, this year his made 11 draws in 11 games, some of them very quickly. It's a pity because when he wants to attack he can play fantastic chess.

7. Emmanuel Bricard 5
I like this player. He is always playing very strange openings, home-prepared, very interesting. He is very strong in closed positions and is able to outplay strong grandmasters. He played a very good tournament this year because he was last seed!

8. Andrei Sokolov 4,5
Former n°3 in the world, world championship challenger in the 80', very experienced trainer and very solid player (he can probably draw with white against almost every player in the world). He had a disappointing tournament this year.

9. Hicham Hamdouchi 4,5
Former African champion and first to cross 2600, he lives in France for years and played his first French tournament last year. He had a very good start this year but had a very difficult tournament then, being sometimes unlucky (Edouard, Fressinet).

10. Aliaksei Charnushevich 4
A very solid player, playing for Besançon for years. Fressinet and Bacrot had a hard time to finally beat him with white.

11. Jean-Mard Degraeve 4
An experienced and agressive player. He played some fantastic attacking games. Sometimes he goes too far with his openings, but it's very interesting for spectators. This year he was totally out of form too.

12. Matthieu Cornette 4
One of the French hopes, though he is 25 now. He was a very tactical player (and can still play amazing combinations) but decided to play more solid openings now (a little like me, ha ha). I played 2 times against him, scoring +1 -1. In this tournament his play was quite good but he was unlucky in several endgames.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Funny hold-up

NN vs. Sarno,S
?? - ?? - 1993.??.??

1...  Ff2+ *

It's not about commenting this game, "?" marks speak for themselves, it's about the third tag of this message.
Of course if it's a serious game you can't fight with a bishop against a queen. Well after it's all about level of the players and time control. I already saw masters playing a serious game a piece down for almost nothing (against another master) and save the game. Because chess is more complex than "I'm a pawn up" or "I'm a piece up" or even "I'm a queen up". King's safety, pieces activity, passed pawns, clock, and a lot of other small things, combined with a Fischer-like will to win, can sometime turn material into insignificant wood!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Unusual endgame challenge

Queen against bishop+pawn on the 7th rank.
How should black proceed to win quickly ?
(or he will have to struggle with the 50 moves rule!)
Time allocated : 10 min.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Fast calculation

Black to play. How many seconds to find the mate ?

Thursday, August 19, 2010

French championships outcome

Exciting finish in the 2010 French championship!
In round 10 Edouard catched up Fressinet with a spectacular win against defending champion Tkachiev whereas Bacrot could only draw with black against Hamdouchi and Fressinet quickly with white against Dorfman.

Standing before last round :
1-2. Edouard, Fressinet 7,5
3. Bacrot 6,5
4. Bauer 5,5

Last round encounters :
Sokolov,A (2596) - Edouard,R (2620)
Bacrot,E (2720) - Fressinet,L (2697)
R11 Live (Friday)
(If 2 or 3 players finish equal first, there will be rapid/blitz tie-breaks on Saturday)

In the Women championship, Almira Skripchenko (2458) is champion one round before the end with 7/9.

[Update : Edouard and Fressinet both drew last round with good preparation. In the rapid tie-breaks, Fressinet won 1,5-0,5 and gets his first French champion title.
And guess what: Fressinet and Skripchenko are husband and wife!]

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Endgame improvement

() vs. ()

Do you see where Bacrot could have improved and won ?

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Andreikin - Stupak WJun 24 moves game

Here is a game played in the 11th round by the new Junior World champion.

Andreikin, D.(2650) vs. Stupak, K.(2504)
49th WJun - Chotowa POL

Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer

1. d4 e6
2. c4 Fb4+
3. Fd2 Fxd2+
4. Dxd2 Cf6
5. Cc3 d5
6. Cf3 c6?!
a strange move because it's difficult to play like a semi-slav without the dark-squared bishop ( 6... O-O 7. e3 De7 is the normal line 8. Tc1 Td8 9. cxd5 exd5 10. Fd3 Cc6 )

7. e3 Cbd7
8. Fd3 dxc4
9. Fxc4 De7
10. e4 e5
11. d5 cxd5
12. exd5 Dc5
13. Fb3 O-O
14. O-O Dd6
15. Tfe1
the opening went badly for black : white has a nice passed pawn and black still has development problems

15...  a6
16. De3 Te8
17. Cd2!
with the idea of chasing the black queen away

17...  b5
18. Cce4 Db8
( 18... Db6 19. Dxb6 Cxb6 20. Cxf6+ gxf6 21. Ce4 Rg7 22. Te3 f5 23. Tg3+ Rh8 24. Cd6 Tf8 25. Te1 e4 26. Tc3 +/- )

19. d6 Fb7
Black finally developped the bishop but the d6 pawn is really strong

20. Tac1!
Moreover all white pieces are well placed. It was tempting to play Red1 to protect the pawn but it's not necessary!

20...  Fxe4
did white forget their d-pawn?

21. Cxe4 Cxe4
22. Dxe4 Dxd6?
( 22... Cf6 23. Db4 a5 ( 23... Ta7 24. Tc6 +/- ) 24. Fxf7+!! Rxf7 25. Db3+ Rg6 26. Tc7 +- ) ( 22... Ta7 23. Tc6 +/- )

23. Ted1
and amazingly black is dead lost!

23...  Cf6
( 23... De7 24. Tc7 Tad8 ( 24... Ted8 25. Tcxd7! +- ) 25. Dg4 Cf6 26. Txe7 Cxg4 27. Fxf7+ Rf8 28. Txe8+ Txe8 29. Fxe8 +- ) ( 23... Dh6 may save black because the c1 rook is hanging? 24. Db7! and black is lost. If Rad8 Rc6 followed by Rxd7 )

24. Fxf7+!
Here black resigned. It's the only game Stupak lost in this 13 rounds tournament, but a very short one. ( 24. Fxf7+ Rxf7 25. Db7+ De7 26. Tc7 Dxc7 27. Dxc7+ Rg8 28. g4 and black won't be able to hold this position ) 1-0

Monday, August 16, 2010

World Junior Championships

World Junior Championships, i.e. under 20, boys and girls, are taking place in Chotowa, Poland. These are very long tournaments played in 13 rounds.

In the boys tournament, the Russian Dmitry Andreikin (2650) was leading for many rounds but in round 12 he decided to make a quick draw with white against his fellow countryman Matlakov (2603). Thus he was joined at 9,5/12 by another Russian, Sanan Sjugirov (2610), who nicely won an endgame of opposite-colored bishops against Swedish IM Blomqvist.
So, the last round of this Monday will be deciding. Both are black but Andreikin has a difficult game against Norwegian Hammer (2636) whereas Sjugirov faces 17y-old UAE player Salem (2469, but doing well so far).
Round 13 live

In the girls tournament, the story is very similar. Slovenian Anna Muzychuk (2527), ranked 8th woman in the world, was leading since round 5, logically collecting an impressive 10/11. But in round 12 she was defeated by 17y-old Peruvian Deysi Cori (2403) and saw the Russian Olga Girya (2373) catching her up.
They both play theorically weaker opponent in the last round. If Muzychuk wins she will probably become world champion.
Round 13 live

Andreikin drew and Sjugirov struggled to draw in a breathtaking finish. Polish Swiercz takes 3rd place.
Muzychuk won easily and Girya was happy to draw a losing endgame. 16y-old Indian girl Rout Padmini drew with Cori and finishes 3rd.]

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Chess tactic

NN - Sarno,S
Black to play. Do you have this pattern in your mind ?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Howell-Gelfand video

This game was played in the first round of the NH tournament (Rising stars vs Experience) in Amsterdam.
Mig Greengard made some interesting comments on the round 1.
Here is the official website, with the same design than the Amber one, and as usual with a very good following of the tournament : very nice presentation of the players, videos, round reports, live games, and so on.

P.S. Let me know if my English is too poor!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chess is above all, a fight

As Emanuel Lasker said. He said that too :
Chess is a conflict, not between 2 intelligences, but between 2 wills.

Edouard, Romain(2620) vs. Cornette, Matthieu(2543)
85th ch-FRA - Belfort/France

Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer
This endgame doesn’t look really dangerous for black. Actually there are some dangers. Of course the simplest would be to sacrifice the Knight for the f pawn, but that’s not easy.

38. Rg3 Th8
39. f4 Cb5
40. f5+ Rd7
41. Rg4 Cc7
42. Te5 Tg8+
43. Rh5 Ce8
checking Rxe8 just in case :-)

44. Rh6
avoiding Ng7+ of course

44...  Tg2
45. Ta5 Tg4
46. Td5+ Rc6
47. Te5
and black has to be careful

47...  Cd6
( 47... Rd7?? 48. Txe8 +- ) ( 47... Cc7?? 48. f6 Tf4 49. Rg6 )

48. Cxd6 Rxd6
ok, it must still be a draw, isn’t it ?

49. Te6+ Rd7
50. Te5
from here both players had to play only with 30 sec per move. Even if it’s only a R+p against R+p endgame, it’s not that easy to play...

50...  Rd6
( 50... a5 running now with the pawn is the simplest 51. f6 ( 51. Txa5 Re7 = ) 51... a4 52. f7 Tf4 53. Rg7 Tg4+ 54. Rf8 a3 = )

51. Te6+ Rd7
52. Tg6 Tf4
53. f6 a5
black would like to sacrifice his rook and be in time with the King to join the pawn and draw

54. Rg7 a4
55. Tg5 Re6
( 55... a3 56. Ta5 Tf3 57. f7 Tg3+ 58. Rf8 Tf3 = reaching something very similar to 50...a5 )

56. Tg3 Rd5?
( 56... Txf6 = was a golden opportunity 57. Te3+ Rd5 58. Rxf6 Rc4 59. Re5 Rb4 maybe black wasn’t sure of this endgame and had no time to check )

57. Tc3!
white keeps on creating problems. Now black can’t sacrifice the rook any more because the a pawn would be lost.

57...  Tg4+
( 57... Rd4 58. Tc8 a3 59. Ta8! +- )

58. Rf8 Re6
it seems the black King is not sure what to do : trying to join the a pawn or trying to stop the f pawn ( 58... Tc4 59. Tf3 Tc8+ 60. Rg7 Rc4 = )

59. f7 Tb4?
( 59... Tf4 = 60. Re8 Txf7 with the same idea than some moves ago 61. Te3+ Rd5 = )

60. Tc6+
( 60. Tf3 Rd5 61. Rg7 Tb8 62. Tf4 Ta8 63. Txa4 Txa4 64. f8=D +- )

60...  Rd7
61. Ta6?
giving a last chance to his opponent ( 61. Tf6 was the good way to proceed 61... Tg4 62. Ta6 +- )

61...  Tg4
62. Ta7+ Rd8?
the final mistake, not the easiest to avoid ( 62... Rd6 63. Re8 Te4+ 64. Rd8 Tf4 = )

63. Ta5! Rd7
64. Ta6
and suddenly black is in zugzwang and lose the game !

64...  Rd8
65. Td6+ Rc7
66. Re7
So, keep on trying and believe in your position ! 1-0

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Endgame trick

Bauer, Christian(2612) vs. Cornette, Matthieu(2543)
2010 French Championship - Belfort

Black has a difficult endgame. What is the safest way to draw ?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Very tactical game yesterday in Mongolia :
() vs. ()


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Rook endgame

How should Black proceed ?
In this case what will be the result of the endgame ?

Monday, August 9, 2010

Jonny Hector

This fantastic Swedish Grandmaster was born in... 1964 ! He learned chess at 14 and progressed fairly quickly. He is one of the most agressive players and often plays unusual and sharp openings.

Last week he played in the Politiken Cup tournament, finishing equal 5th with 7,5/10 (losing against Meier and Ganguly).
Here are some openings he played in this tournament :

7.O-O!? like a Milner-Barry

5...d5 against this English

A good old Evans

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Munguntuul - Koneru

Very good game from the Mongolian player today against top seed Humpy Koneru :

Friday, August 6, 2010

British chess championships

Convincing victory of Michael Adams with 9,5/11 (+8 =3), 2757 performance.
It's "just half-a-point short of the record set by former champion Julian Hodgson back in 1992".

Short, McShane and Howell did not play.

Michael Adams
British champion 2010

Jovanka Houska
British women champion 2010

Photos © Ray Morris-Hill

Official website

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Unsound sacrifice for Maia

Former World Champion (1978-1991) Maia Chiburdanidze was playing top seed Koneru (2nd woman to cross 2600 Elo in the history) with black.

In this position she tried a clever exchange sacrifice : 17...Rxe4 18.Qxe4 Re8, with the idea Q moves somewhere then Rxe2 and then Qxf4. Do you see why it doesn't work ?

ZHAO Xue in Women GP

After 5 rounds she is leading the event with Stefanova.

Homework of the day : try to point out the blunders of her opponents in these 5 games.

Games of the event in PGN

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Fargere wins Dutch Open

Very convincing performance from Francois Fargere in the Dutch Open after 7 rounds with 6,5. Round 7 he won this important game with black, with a nice use of the e4 square :-)

He faced strong GM Edwin L'Ami in round 8 and drew in 19 moves.
In round 9 he drew with black though his opponent sacrificed pawns and built a strong attack. At the end he was probably winning but strangely decided to secure a draw (whereas tables 2 and 3 quickly drew).

So he won the event with 7,5/9, 1 full point clear of the rest of the field, with 2729 performance and +29 Elo points. Congratulations !
Now Fargere only has to improve his extra-chess behavior. It would be really good for organizers and for chess in general.

Final results

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Chess tactic

Black to play.
(not so easy, not so hard)

Monday, August 2, 2010

ZHU Chen - ZHAO Xue

This game was played in the 3rd round of 5th FIDE women's Grand Prix. It was a crazy game with mistakes from both sides. Mistakes are common but here they were really big.

Former Women World Champion sacrificed her Queen with 27.Qxc6?? and black answered with 27...Rg6??. During the press conference both players admitted they totally forgot that black could have taken the Queen not being mated ! Both are Grand Master, how is that possible ?
Well, 2 moves before white sacrificed a whole Rook in g7, having probably already planned to sacrifice the Queen after. I guess black could not imagine that such a player could give a Rook followed by a Queen for free. However every chess player should know that you must never trust your opponent, even if he is very strong :-)

Then the (end)game was interesting because white ended with B+N+p against Q.
Finally after a long battle, the classic endgame Queen against pawn in 7th appeared on the board. Cases of c and f pawns are the most interesting, like here.
As pointed out by commentators, including Susan Polgar here, black missed a somehow basic draw at move 64.
That's not very good for a former Women World Champion but ok, she had to be tired with the game and obviously it wasn't her day. I'm not sure she can regret anything because she could have resign at move 27 :-)

Mistakes are part of the game.


Location : Cannes, France.

3 GM on first 3 places, Sengupta, Sanchez and top seed Sumets.
French under 16 hope Jules Moussard made his 3rd IM norm and gets the title ! And 2nd IM norm for another u16 hope, Christophe Sochacki.
This comes after third u16 French hope Maxime Lagarde 2nd IM norm in Creon yesterday.

Cannes final standing


Location : Pamplona, Spain.

Strong closed tournament with an average rating of 2637.
It was the small come back of Russian genius Alexander Morozevich, because his last rated game was played in January. Unfortunately for him (and for chess fans), though beginning with 2,5/3 he had a very difficult tournament, scoring only 4/9 while being top seed, losing some 15,5 points in the process.

Co-winners of the tournament with 6,5/9 (+4 =5) are Polish Radoslaw Wojtaszek, one of Anand's seconds, and French Laurent Fressinet (former Kramnik's second !), who is now rated over the 2700 mark for the first time.
( will probably be updated soon)

Results and games