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Monday, August 23, 2010

Funny hold-up

NN vs. arna
rated 3 min match - Free Internet Chess Server - 2010.08.23

Position de départCoup précédentCoup suivantPosition finaleJouer les coups automatiquementArrêter de jouer
1. d4 Cf6 2. Cc3 c5 3. d5 e6 4. e4 exd5 5. e5 d4?? 6. exf6 dxc3 7. De2+ Fe7 8. fxe7 Da5 9. b3 d5 10. Cf3 Cc6 11. De3 Cb4 12. Fd3 d4 13. Dg5 Tg8 14. O-O Cxd3 15. cxd3 Db6 16. Te1 Fe6 17. Dh5 h6 18. Ce5 a5 19. Cc4 Dc6 20. Ff4 Rxe7 21. Fd6+ Dxd6! 22. Cxd6 Rxd6 23. De5+ Rc6 24. a4? g6 25. Df6 Tge8 26. h3 Ta6 27. Tac1 Tb6 28. Df3+ Rc7 29. Txe6? Texe6 30. Dxf7+ Rb8? ( 30... Rd6 ) 31. Rh2? ( 31. Df8+ Ra7 32. Dxc5 +- ) 31...  Ra7 32. Tc2 h5 33. f4 Tf6 34. Dc7 Tfc6 35. De5? ( 35. Dd8 ) 35...  Txb3 36. De2 Tcb6 37. De5 Tc6 38. De7 Tb2 ( 38... Ta3 ) 39. Tc1 Ra6 40. Dd8 c2? 41. Dg8 c4 42. Df7?? ( 42. dxc4 d3 43. Da8+ Rb6 44. Dd8+ ) 42...  cxd3 -+ 43. Dd5 d2 44. Tf1 c1=D 45. Txc1 dxc1=D 46. Df3 Dc2 47. Rg3 De2 48. Dxe2+ Txe2 49. Rh4 Tc3 50. Rg5 Txg2+ 51. Rh6 Tgg3 52. Rg7 Txh3 53. Rf6 Thf3 54. Re5 Txf4 55. Rxf4 Te3 56. Rg5 d3 57. Rh6 d2 58. Rh7 Ta3 59. Rh6 Txa4 60. Rh7 d1=D 61. Rh6 Dd2+ 62. Rh7 black ran out of time 1/2-1/2

It's not about commenting this game, "?" marks speak for themselves, it's about the third tag of this message.
Of course if it's a serious game you can't fight with a bishop against a queen. Well after it's all about level of the players and time control. I already saw masters playing a serious game a piece down for almost nothing (against another master) and save the game. Because chess is more complex than "I'm a pawn up" or "I'm a piece up" or even "I'm a queen up". King's safety, pieces activity, passed pawns, clock, and a lot of other small things, combined with a Fischer-like will to win, can sometime turn material into insignificant wood!

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