rated 3 min match - Free Internet Chess Server - 2010.08.23
1. d4 Cf6 2. Cc3 c5 3. d5 e6 4. e4 exd5 5. e5 d4?? 6. exf6 dxc3 7. De2+ Fe7 8. fxe7 Da5 9. b3 d5 10. Cf3 Cc6 11. De3 Cb4 12. Fd3 d4 13. Dg5 Tg8 14. O-O Cxd3 15. cxd3 Db6 16. Te1 Fe6 17. Dh5 h6 18. Ce5 a5 19. Cc4 Dc6 20. Ff4 Rxe7 21. Fd6+ Dxd6! 22. Cxd6 Rxd6 23. De5+ Rc6 24. a4? g6 25. Df6 Tge8 26. h3 Ta6 27. Tac1 Tb6 28. Df3+ Rc7 29. Txe6? Texe6 30. Dxf7+ Rb8? ( 30... Rd6 ) 31. Rh2? ( 31. Df8+ Ra7 32. Dxc5 +- ) 31... Ra7 32. Tc2 h5 33. f4 Tf6 34. Dc7 Tfc6 35. De5? ( 35. Dd8 ) 35... Txb3 36. De2 Tcb6 37. De5 Tc6 38. De7 Tb2 ( 38... Ta3 ) 39. Tc1 Ra6 40. Dd8 c2? 41. Dg8 c4 42. Df7?? ( 42. dxc4 d3 43. Da8+ Rb6 44. Dd8+ ) 42... cxd3 -+ 43. Dd5 d2 44. Tf1 c1=D 45. Txc1 dxc1=D 46. Df3 Dc2 47. Rg3 De2 48. Dxe2+ Txe2 49. Rh4 Tc3 50. Rg5 Txg2+ 51. Rh6 Tgg3 52. Rg7 Txh3 53. Rf6 Thf3 54. Re5 Txf4 55. Rxf4 Te3 56. Rg5 d3 57. Rh6 d2 58. Rh7 Ta3 59. Rh6 Txa4 60. Rh7 d1=D 61. Rh6 Dd2+ 62. Rh7 black ran out of time 1/2-1/2 |
It's not about commenting this game, "?" marks speak for themselves, it's about the third tag of this message.
Of course if it's a serious game you can't fight with a bishop against a queen. Well after it's all about level of the players and time control. I already saw masters playing a serious game a piece down for almost nothing (against another master) and save the game. Because chess is more complex than "I'm a pawn up" or "I'm a piece up" or even "I'm a queen up". King's safety, pieces activity, passed pawns, clock, and a lot of other small things, combined with a Fischer-like will to win, can sometime turn material into insignificant wood!
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