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Monday, August 30, 2010

Knight endgame

Frolyanov, D.(2587) vs. Tomashevsky, E.(2708)
ch-RUS Higher League - Irkutsk RUS - 2010.08.26
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This endgame is better for black because their knight is more active, but probably not winning

51. a3 h4
52. g3 f5
53. Rg2
( 53. gxh4? f4 54. h5 ( 54. Rg2 Rh6 is similar to the game ) 54... gxh5 ( 54... g5 55. h4! Rh6 56. hxg5+ Rxg5 57. Rg2 Rxh5 58. Rh3 Cd1 59. Cb1 Rg5 60. Cd2 Ce3 61. Cb1 Cc4 62. Rg2 Rh4 63. Rh2 ) 55. Rg2 Rf8 56. Rf1 Re7 57. Cb3 Rd7 58. Ca5 Cb1 59. Cc6 Cxa3 60. Re2 Rc7 61. Rd3 Rb6 62. Rc3 Rc5 63. Rb3 Cc4 64. Rc3 h4 65. Cb4 Cb2 66. Cc6 Cd1+ 67. Rc2 Cf2 68. Ce7 Cxh3 69. Cg6 Cg1 70. Cxh4 Ce2 -+ )

53...  hxg3
54. Rxg3 Rh6
55. Rf2 f4
56. Rg2 Rg5
57. Rh2 Rh5
58. Rg2 Cd1
59. Rh2 Ce3
60. Cb1 Cc2
the white knight is paralyzed, it's not funny for white

61. Rg1 Rh6
62. Rf2 Rg5
63. Rg1 Rf6
but black has to create threats on both sides of the board to win, which is not an easy task here

64. Rf2
( 64. h4 Rg7 ( 64... Re7 ) 65. Rf1 Cd4 66. Cd2 Rh6 67. Rg2 Rh5 68. Rh3 Cc2 69. Cb1 Ce1 70. Cc3 Cxf3 71. Cxb5 Cxh4 72. Cxd6 g5 73. Cf5! g4+ 74. Rh2 g3+ 75. Cxg3+ fxg3+ 76. Rxg3 Cg6 77. a4 Rg5 78. a5 Ce7 79. a6 Cc8 80. Rf3 Rf6 81. Rg4 Ca7 82. Rh4 Re7 83. Rg5 Rd6 84. Rf5 Cb5 85. Rf6 = )

64...  Re7
65. Rg2 Re8
66. Rh2 Rf7
67. Rg1 Rf8
68. Rf2 Re7
69. Rg2 Ce3+
70. Rf2 Cc4
71. Rg2
( 71. Re2 Rd7 72. Rd3 Rc7 73. a4 Cb2+ 74. Rc3 Cxa4+ 75. Rb4 Cc5 ( 75... Rb6 76. Ca3 = ) 76. Rxb5 Cb3 77. Rc4 Cd4 78. Cd2 = )

71...  g5
72. h4??
White can't play this ! Cat and mouse play by black worked. White were on defense and lost their calm, wanting to draw by force. This can often happen when defending a long time slightly worse endgames. ( 72. Rf2 Rd7 73. Rf1 Ce3+ 74. Re2 Cc2 75. Rd3 Cd4 76. Cd2 Rc7 77. Rc3 Rb6 78. Rb4 Ce2 79. Cb1 Cc1 ( 79... Cg1 ) 80. a4 bxa4 81. Cd2 Ce2 82. Cc4+ Rc7 83. Cd2 Cg1 84. Rxa4 Cxh3 85. Rb4 Cf2 86. Rc3 g4 87. fxg4 Cxg4 88. Cf3 Cf2 89. Cd2 Rd7 90. Rc4 Rc8 91. Rb5 Rb7 92. Ra5 Cd3 93. Rb5 Rc7 94. Ra5 Rd7 95. Rb5 Cc5 96. Rb6 Ca4+ 97. Rb5 Cb2 98. Rb6 Cd1 99. Rb5 I'm not sure black can win that )

72...  gxh4
73. Rh3 Rd7
74. Rxh4 Rc7 -+
75. Rg5 Rb6
76. Rf6 Rc5
77. Re7 Rd4
78. Rd7 Re3
79. Rc6 Rxf3
80. Rxb5 Cb2
81. Rc6 Re3
82. Rxd6 f3
83. Re7 Cc4
84. Cc3 Rd2
85. d6 Cxd6 0-1

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